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World Gravy Wrestling Championships 2010
World Gravy Wrestling Championships 2010
World Gravy Wrestling Championships 2010

World Gravy Wrestling Championships 2010

Keywords: Sports;

Today saw the 4th Annual World Gravy Wrestling Championships held in Lancashire.

Hundreds of spectators and the country's press gathered at the Rose 'n' Bowl pub in Stacksteads near Rossendale to witness what is fast becoming one of the North West's premiere weird sporting events.

Over 1,000 litres of gravy were produced for the tournament which pits wrestlers against each other in a 4.5m paddling pool filled with cold, clammy gravy. There are both men's and ladies matches and although the wrestlers are scored on technique a good sense of humour and some fancy dress go a long way in impressing the judges.

The contest is held in aid of the East Lancashire Hospice and today's wrestling has raised £3,000 to help fund the hospice.

The emphasis at the wrestling is always on fun, but that doesn't mean it's completely harmless. During some of the earliest rounds a rather rotund and maniacal looking wrestler almost killed a Postman Pat impostor by trying to drown him in the gravy. Previous to that a wrestler dressed as a green goblin had to be led out of the gravy ring by medics after he suffered a painful shoulder injury at the hands of Mr T AKA Joel Hicks, last year's men's champion.

This years winners were Elisa Samsan who took the ladies title and Elliot Rooke who won the men's.

Added: 2013-05-25
From: morningstarrtv
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