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Fleetwood Mac - Gypsy (extended version) HD 16:9
Fleetwood Mac - Gypsy (extended version) HD 16:9
Fleetwood Mac - Gypsy (extended version) HD 16:9

Fleetwood Mac - Gypsy (extended version) HD 16:9

Keywords: XRx3tUEzdp4;
"Gypsy" is a song by the rock group Fleetwood Mac. Stevie Nicks wrote the song originally circa 1979, and the earliest demo recordings were recorded in early 1980 with Tom Moncrieff for possible inclusion on her solo debut Bella Donna. However, when Nicks' friend Robin Anderson died of leukemia, the song took on a new significance and Nicks held it over for Fleetwood Mac. "Gypsy" was the second single release and second biggest hit from the Mirage album following Hold Me. "Gypsy" reached #12 on the Billboard Hot 100.

Added: 2015-12-03
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Views/Downloads: 2492
Comments: 1
Comments posted to this Online Video
The video for this song from 1982, directed by Russell Mulcahy, was the highest-budget music video ever produced at the time. It used several locations including a highly detailed portrayal of a forest, and required many costumes and dancers. It was the very first "World Premiere Video" on MTV in 1982. Great vintage wetlook from Stevie Nicks and Co.
by Ironhorse25 at 03rd December, 2015

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