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V.A.S.T. - Touched Official Video
V.A.S.T. - Touched Official Video
V.A.S.T. - Touched Official Video

V.A.S.T. - Touched Official Video

Keywords: 8S_R13jV11Q;
The Official music video for Touched by V.A.S.T.


You say that I am too
So much of what you say is true
I'll never find someone quite like you
I'll never find someone quite like you
Like you

The razors and the dying roses plead
I don't leave you alone
The demi-gods and hungry ghosts of God
God knows I'm not at home

I'll never find someone quite like you
I'll never find someone quite like you

I, I looked into your eyes and saw
A world that does not exist
I looked into your eyes and saw
A world I wish I was in

I'll never find someone quite as touched
As you
I'll never love someone quite the way that I
Loved you


User 'NinjaRafter' brought to my attention a few people asking about the beautiful backing vocals.
He says: "the background song used is an edited version of the Bulgarian folk song - "Pilence Pee". I just saw that a lot of people were asking in the comments for the video and I'd love it if more people were introduced to Bulgarian folk songs, they really are an ethereal experience."

Thanks for enlightening us NinjaRafter!

Added: 2015-12-05
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Views/Downloads: 2859
Comments: 1
Comments posted to this Online Video
by Ironhorse25 at 05th December, 2015

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