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The Bill  

Keywords: wetlook;
Sally (Ali Bastian) jumps in the river to save a women trapped in her car.

:::::::::: click to drag around :::::::::::

The Bill
Video ID: # 12540
Clip format: AVI
Time: 1'49"
Resolution: 640x360
Added: 2011-09-20 (TV Shows)
Views/Downloads: 44
Comments: 2
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The Bill
The Bill
The Bill
The Bill
The Bill
The Bill
The Bill
The Bill
The Bill
The Bill
The Bill
The Bill
The Bill
The Bill
The Bill
The Bill
The Bill
The Bill
The Bill
The Bill
Comments posted to this Video
Would of love to have seen the end result in this
I totally agree with wamtec above, whats the point in a clip if you cant see the person whos got wet in the 1st place?
Maybe the scene did end before people got out etc, but unless we find the full original episode we may never know
by lordkram at 24th September, 2011

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