Ice Challenge
So... I got nominated to do the Ice Challenge! Thanks Dean for the nomination. I was a meanie and nominated Reina so we decided we might as well do it both at once to make it more fun, so here's the evidence!
Our nominations are to all the people who said they were going to do the Tough Guy and Gal Challenge (or who wanted to do the challenge), but didn't, for whatever reason. If you missed out, here's your chance to get a little taste.
Big ups to Reina for agreeing to do this with me.
Also, please remember the aim of the Ice Challenge is to help fund cancer research and care to cancer patients and their families. Please donate, as little or as much as you like, to support the cause.
I'd also just like to mention that there are plenty of other worthy causes and charities out there which need support, so if you're able to, please take this as a reminder to donate to one or more of your favourite charities. Again, your choice, but I'll chuck a few links up of some of my ones.
(I'm going to be running a half-marathon to help raise some money for these guys in August, so please donate and help them out!)
(Riding for the Disabled)
(Westpac Rescue Helicopter)
(World Vision)
(World Society for the Protection of Animals)
(Soi Dog Foundation)