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Legado del Tibu en el Rin, Alemania (HOP into Rhine, Germany)
Legado del Tibu en el Rin, Alemania (HOP into Rhine, Germany)
Legado del Tibu en el Rin, Alemania (HOP into Rhine, Germany)

Legado del Tibu en el Rin, Alemania (HOP into Rhine, Germany)

Keywords: Travel;
Hello y Hola Hoppers!

Hasta hace dos días nunca había oído del Legado del Tibu, pero creerme, me ha quedado claro, y como no quiero pagar una mariscada, y menos desde Alemania, me he tirado al río, en concreto, al Rin.

I had no friggin idea what Legado del Tibu was (literal translation, Tibu Legacy, not sure of the origin; perhaps Tibu comes from "tiburón" which is shark in Spanish). Well, after today, you'll see what it entails. Watch the video to see why I HOPPED into the cold waters of the Rhine in Germany.


Happy Travels! Thanks for watching Hoppers. XXOO MuchoHop

WHERE ELSE TO FIND ME---------------------------------

Added: 2014-06-23
From: MuchoHop
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