Después de 11 años de espera y de un Govardhan parikrama completo Jaya Laksmi cumplió su deseo de tomar un baño de nuevo en las aguas del Radha Kunda, el lugar más sagrado de todo el Universo.
"All glories to Radharani! She is so dear to Krsna. Everyone is trying to love Krsna, but Krsna is trying to love Radha. Just imagine how great She is? Krsna prema is so valuable, but Krsna is after Radharani. She is so great. We have to offer Her our respects".
"Of all the young girls, Radha is the most beautiful. She always dresses so nicely that Damodara is attracted by Her beauty. If you go to Vrindavan you will find everyone worshiping Radharani. All the devotees in Vrindavan worship Radharani. The pure devotees pray to Radharani, 'O my worshipable Radharani! You are so full of mercy. I am begging for Your mercy.'"
SRILA PRABHUPADA (Lecture tape 09/18/69)
Radhakunda is located in northwest part of Vraja (the area near Vrindavana) 100 km south from capitol Delhi. Gaudiya-vaisnavas consider this lake of Srimati Radharani to be the most sacred place on Earth
Radhakunda is situated on the parikrama (pilgrimage) road around the Govardhana Hill. The whole Govardhana is about 11 km long and by its shape it resemble peacock. Both ponds - Radhakunda and Syamakunda - are like its eyes. When Krishna killed Aristhasura, a demon in the form of bull, he approached Radharani with desire to enjoy loving pastimes. But Radharani rebuked Him, saying that He became impure by killing a bull, the symbol of religion. She suggested that He could get purified by taking bath in holy rivers on all sacred places. Krishna immediately stroked His lotus feet in the ground and created a hole. Thereafter He called all holy rivers. They appeared in front of Him and formed Syamakunda. Krishna took bath in this pond and said that he become purified by taking bath, but gopis became contaminated by siding with the demon even in form of a bull. Radharani and other gopis took their bracelets, broke them into pieces and begin to dig their pond. However, there was no water and Krishna started to laugh. Gopis created a line to Manasa Ganga and started to bring water from there. The representative of all holy rivers again appeared and this time begged Radharani if they can reside in Her lake. Radharani agreed and holy rivers flowed from Syamakunda thus filling Radhakunda.