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Rare Dirndl Designer takes on the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
Rare Dirndl Designer takes on the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
Rare Dirndl Designer takes on the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Rare Dirndl Designer takes on the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Keywords: Howto; Rare Dirndl will donate $1 for each "like" that the Ice Bucket Challenge video gets in the next 24 hours to the ALS Foundation Chicago Chapter.

Thanks to one of my best friends, Nikki, I was nominated for the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge! This challenge has been sweeping social media and it has helped The ALS Association and its 38 chapters have raise an astonishing $4 million in donations compared to $1.12 million in the past month.

ALS or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis is a neurodegenerative disease that usually attacks both upper and lower motor neurons and causes degeneration throughout the brain and spinal cord. As many as 30,000 Americans have the disease at any given time and the Ice Bucket Challenge and raising lots of awareness in addition to funds.

Whether you support it or not, its still entertaining to watch for friends and family douse themselves in icey water! So with this in mind I nominated my little sister and then staff at V.Mora Chicago!

Added: 2014-08-28
From: Rare Dirndl
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