OUTLANDER CAST GIVEN THE ALS ICE BUCKET CHALLENGE!! From half way 'round the world on the wee island of Maui, Hawaii to the other side of the globe in Scotland, the Starz Network Series Outlander cast has been given the challenge. To help raise awareness in the hopes of wiping out this horrible disease, ALS, worldwide!! The cast has 24 hours to either accept the challenge as SO many other have (TV stars, sports stars, film stars, news reporters, musicians: including Justin Timberlake, Kate Mara, Aaron Rogers to name a few) OR to make a donation...or to do BOTH as I am doing! We all look forward to seeing the epic video, should the cast decide to accept the challenge! I hereby nominate and challenge: Diana Gabaldon; Caitriona Balfe; Ronald Moore; Graham McTavish; Sam Heughan and the entire Starz OUTLANDER cast to accept this challenge and to pass it on forward. Aloha nui....or shall I say Tulach Ard!!
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