Paula Seling - Serile verii
HQ Music Video Go for a swim with Paula in this video that was filmed under water. When is the last time you took a swim through your living room ?
After The video take a look at some of Paula's other music, you can find it directly on YouTube by searching for:
Paula Seling Timpul
Paula Seling Get Up Now
Paula Seling Ploaie in luna lui Marte
Paula Seling Step Back
Paula Seling Tu Nu Vezi
Paula Seling Vreau Sa Cred
Paula Seling Mi-e Dor De Tine
Paula Seling Le Monde Est Stone
Paula Seling I Believe
Paula Seling Noapte calda
Paula Seling Dincolo de tot
Paula Seling Promit
Or just enter Paula Seling in the search box to see them all
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Keywords: Paula Seling Romanian