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Shower Dare to Primadonna
Shower Dare to Primadonna
Shower Dare to Primadonna

Shower Dare to Primadonna

Keywords: People;
Submit more dares and challenges and I will do them!
So a got dared to take a shower in one of my party dresses. Here it is! I hope you guys like it. I thought Primadonna would fit with the whole showering thing. Also Marina is fantastic so. Since you cant hear me talking because of the fast forward basically whenever I'm talking I'm saying things like "I hope you guys are happy because this is not fun at all." or something like "I'm so wet, this shower is freezing, why am I doing this?"
Also I wanted to ask you guys these shower related questions, do you sing in the shower? because I know I do...only when no one else is home though because I'm an awful singer. Also how long does it take you to shower? It usually takes me anywhere from 10min-1hr depending on what kind of day I'm having because when I'm sad I take long pensive showers.
Anyways hope you liked this video, subscribe, keep the challenges coming!
I would lastly like to that the person who dared me to do this, you are awesome!

Added: 2013-08-31
From: Little Miss Cat
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