WWF: Armageddon 1999
Armageddon - National Car Rental Center; Sunrise, FL 12/12/1999
======Card/Spoilers in 'Show More'===============
- The APA won an 8 team battle royal to get a title shot at The Royal Rumble
- Kurt Angle beat Steve Blackman
- 4 way evening gown match in a pool for women's title: Miss Kitty win the title by beating champ Ivory, B.B. & Jacquelyn
- The Hollys beat Rikishi & Viscera
- European title: Val Venis beat D-Lo Brown & Champ Davey Boy Smith to win the title
- Steel Cage Match: Kane beat X-Pac
- Intercontinental Title: Chris Jericho beat Chyna to win the title
- Tag Team Titles: The Rock & Sock Connection beat champ New Age Outlaws by DQ
- WWF Title: The Big Show beat The Big Bossman
- Triple H beat Vince McMahon in a match where if Vince won Triple H would have to annull his marriage to Stephanie