The first commemorative movie from water-playing and healing series is featuring beautiful college girl. In this movie, She water-plays on a beach playing with crabs, clams, and fishes. At a fountain park, she frolics joyfully covering a water spout by her foot.Water-playing and healing series include new-style wet movies that not only feature soaked girls with their clothes on but give healing to viewers. 1,After shooting a portrait at a public square with a fountain, she begin to water-play on a beach. She is sitting at water's edge at first, and go into the sea gradually.You feel healed with the scene of her playing with crabs on a beach.She is water-playing frolicsomely in the sea. Her suits get soaked gradually during playing with water and sand on the water's edge. While sitting in the sea, she scoops up a small fish with her hand and showed it to us. 2,In the park, water flowing out from a fountain is creating an artificial river.Her recruitment suits get soaked heavily while she is running around and water-playingthere. Fortunately, there are few people around that fountain square. She water-plays joyfully covering a water spout by her foot and trying to catch spurting water by her recruitment suits.
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