ALS Ice bucket challenge
Video description (includes audio):
[Kim browsing a Macbook]
[-Kim voiceover-] "Doot dee doot dee doo."
[Cut to the computer screen which shows a webpage open to the URL: In the upper right corner behind the web browser, there are 3 folder icons on the desktop labeled: "All the porn," "naked pics," and "XXX."]
[-Kim laughs-] "Duckies."
[Cut to Kim behind her Macbook again, smiling. Laughter voiceover.]
[Cut back to the computer screen where the browser is open to the CBS News website on an article with the headline: "California drought stings bees, honey production."]
[-Kim voiceover-] "Ugh. Boring."
[Another news article appears with the headline: "Drought leaves California homes without water."]
[-Voiceover-] "Boring."
[A Facebook group page appears, titled "Justin Bieber Is My Inspiration." In the upper right corner, there's an icon for one new Facebook notification.]
[Cut to Kim behind Macbook.]
[-Voiceover-] "Oh my god. I've been nominated for the Ice Bucket challenge. Finally! Yay!"
[Cut to a shot of Kim pulling a freezer drawer open. The ice compartment is empty except for a plastic scoop.]
[-Kim, offscreen-] "Dang, out of ice."
[Cut to Kim]
-"I'll go to the store!"
[Cut to Kim walking through the frozen section at a grocery store. The song "Eye of the Tiger" by Survivor starts to play. Kim spots where the ice is stored and opens the freezer door.]
[Over-the-shoulder shot of Kim taking 2 bags of ice from the freezer.]
[Shot of Kim closing the freezer. Jump cut to Kim walking down the aisle, towards the camera and offscreen.]
[Cut to: scanning the bags of ice at Self-Checkout. Kim taps the screen to pay for the ice.]
[Shot of the screen which reads "Amount Due: $5.98"]
[Shot of Kim standind with her finger close to the screen as if pausing for a moment to think about something.]
[Shot of the screen again, it zooms in on the price three times, in jump cuts synchronized with the music.]
[Shot of Kim lowering her finger from the screen and looking upwards as if having an epiphany. She strokes her chin as if she just got an idea.]
[Shot of the ALSA webpage, the cursor clicks "Donate," scrolls down a bit on the donation form which lists options for donation amounts. The radio button next to "Other ($5 minimum) is checked. In the text box next to this option, "$5.98" is typed.]
[Cut to the bottom of the page where a large green button reading "Complete Donation" is clicked by the cursor.]
[Cut to a page with several colourful thank-you messages, quickly scrolling downwards. The text reads: The ALS Association / #IceBucketChallenge / Please accept this big bucket of thanks / Because of you, we've raised an incredible $53.3 million nationwide from over one million donors, in only 25 days! / So... what does my donation support? / Providing care services to assist people with ALS and their familes through a network of chapters working in communities across the nation; a global research program focused on the discovery of treatments and eventually a cure for the disease; public policy efforts that empower people to advance public policies in our nation's Capital that respond to the needs of people with ALS. / !! Never before have we been in a better position to fuel our fight against this disease. / Your videos have resulted in increased awareness and unprecedented financial support, which comes with incredible opportunity. / We can now consider innovative projects that have been unfunded to date, as we continue to deliver on our existing mission-critical priorities!]
[Cut to Kim outside at night wearing a white T-shirt. She lifts up a large mixing bowl and dumps water on her head. The camera zooms out quickly to reveal that she's standing in a hot tub. She sits in the hot tub in a relaxed position. A papier-mache sculpture of actor Osric Chau's head sits on the right hand edge of the hot tub, a strategically placed symbol to remind the viewer that Kim is a hugely sarcastic troll who is also really good at making papier mache sculptures of people's heads and maybe she just likes to bring them to the hot tub for company, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that]