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Hopscotch Ice Bucket Challenge
Hopscotch Ice Bucket Challenge
Hopscotch Ice Bucket Challenge

Hopscotch Ice Bucket Challenge

Keywords: 2MaLW_xu_-I;
Hopscotch Salon works tirelessly to help people look their best. But sometimes it’s worth messing up your hair in a good cause.

To raise money and awareness for the ALS Association, the Hopscotch staff accepted the Ice Bucket Challenge, dousing themselves on Saturday, August 23, in the parking lot adjacent to the salon. In addition to accepting the Challenge, Hopscotch has made a donation to the ALS Association, a non-profit battling “Lou Gehrig’s Disease.”

Though probably the salon’s wettest charitable effort, this was certainly not its first.

Hopscotch—celebrating it's 20th anniversary in Greenwich—donated $5,000 to the Breast Cancer Alliance in November 2013. It has worked with Kids in Crisis, which provides emergency counseling and temporary shelter for infants, children, and teens, and Locks of Love, which offers hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children suffering from long-term medical hair loss. Hopscotch also has contributed to the Greenwich Symphony, and has been an enthusiastic supporter of local schools.

Helping these and other local organizations reflects Hopscotch’s deep-rooted philosophy that a business serving the community should be fully part of the community, giving back to those who have been its loyal customers and friends. Twenty years ago, Hopscotch introduced itself as “Connecticut’s New York salon.” A generation later, it is even more proud to be Greenwich’s hometown hair salon, a winner of “Best of Greenwich” in 2014 and 2011.

Added: 2017-05-18
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