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Judith takes a bath in her new boots
Judith takes a bath in her new boots
Judith takes a bath in her new boots

Judith takes a bath in her new boots

Keywords: 94dEhNSrUhA;
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Judith was out shopping that day and she found a beautiful pair of boots in one of the fancy stores she often visits. She tried the boots on but they was to tight and they was hurting her toes but the looks of the boots was absolutely great so Judith thought that she will buy them anyways... On her way home she kept thinking about ways to make the boots more comfortable to her an it crossed her mind that usually when she wears some leather boots in the water the boots get a bit larger and so she thought, she will fix the problem quick and easy. As she arrived home she went straight to the bathroom and she stepped into the the empty tub, turned on the shower and start working on the "problem". Of course as the hot water got into her boots she thought that since she is already in the tub it would be nice to soak the rest of the outfit to and wash her black pants how they get shiny and feel how they get tighter on her body.

Added: 2017-08-29
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