To celebrate our channel receiving over 1,000,000 views, we are releasing more of the footage from Sierra Baldwin's shoot with Understand Photography, previously only available as paid content. The majority of our views come from YouTube recommendations. You can help us continue to grow by Liking, Sharing, and Commenting on our videos, so that YouTube will recommend them to more users. By helping us to bring in more revenue through advertising and YouTube Red fees, you enable us to fund our new projects and release our paid content for free sooner.
To learn more about Understand Photography and their other courses, you can go to:
Youtube Videos are suggested by our users and fed to this site via RSS and are moderated by their respective hosting sites and their moderators. We do not moderate external web videos. If you have complaints about a web video please contact the respective hosting company. If you feel a particular web video is totally inappropriate for our site, please contact us and our moderators will remove it