From abandoning my faith, to searching for truth and evidence for the past year, to not wanting to go to church but going, to rededicating my life, and getting baptized all in one day with my spiritual mom and my best friend by my side. My Father's Day baptism...only God could've orchestrated it so well. I am beyond blessed and overwhelmed with emotion. It's not about what everyone else may or may not believe and their reasons, but my own. God asks...but who do YOU say I am? I say He's my Father. It's not just what I believe, it's what I know.
"Well sweetheart, here we go again. And I know that Jesus is your Lord. So all the things you've gone through this past year and all the years I've known you, here you are again ...(inaudible)... Not because you believe, but because you know. Now Michelle, I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit." -Becky Painter
After the video stopped she laughed and said, "I should've held you down longer." I love Becky Painter.
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