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LaRae Lobdell's
LaRae Lobdell's
LaRae Lobdell's

LaRae Lobdell's "Ice Bucket Challenge"

Keywords: OXqftopVzho;
Ice Bucket Challenge blog post:

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS, is a disease of the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord that control voluntary muscle movement. ALS is also known as Lou Gehrig's disease.

To spread awareness, and raise money for the cure, started the "Ice Bucket Challenge." What is this challenge, you ask?

The Ice Bucket Challenge, sometimes called the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, is an activity involving dumping a bucket of ice water on one's head to promote awareness of the disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and encourage donations to research. It went viral throughout social media during mid 2014. [source: Wikipedia]

So what does this have to do with this blog? Well, I got challenged. By fellow photographer, Jessica Edler.


I am making a monetary donation and my three friends I'm calling out and nominating to do the "Ice Bucket Challenge" within 24 hours are:

1. BlackRapid founder, Ron Henry.
2. Muscle Milk Marketing Manager, Lilliana Antequera, and
3. AMA Pro Superbike Racer, Stefano Mesa
4. And a honorary nomination to: Strange Penske truck driver taking a video during my video hahaha!

Our friends over at MTV have posted the "Rules to the Ice Bucket Challenge". Here is a quick run-down, but I highly recommend you guys prepare by reading up on it HERE:

1. Get Challenged
2. Accept the Challenge... choose your adventure A) Pay $100 or B) Dump Ice Water on Your Head
3. Prepare Your Dark Materials
4. Film Your Masterpiece
5. Upload Your Masterpiece
6. Profit - you STILL need to donate money. Read the official rules over at MTV.
7. One last thing I will add to their rules: SHARE the heck out of it and be sure to use the hashtags #icebucketchallenge, #alsicebucketchallenge, and #strikeoutals.


Director/Videographer: Sam Koay (
Sound Lady: Sarah Hirth
Helmet Guy: Christian Salazar
Ice Bro 1: Jon Schiereck
Ice Bro 2: Raul Gonzalez

10 gallons of ice provided by: Miami Falls Miller's Ale House

Added: 2017-11-24
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Views/Downloads: 1587
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