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Maria Fung Haggis Combo
Maria Fung Haggis Combo
Maria Fung Haggis Combo

Maria Fung Haggis Combo

Keywords: EPZcSHsJw4o;
Rolling Haggis is Scotland’s most thrilling Zorbing attraction. Based in the wondrous City of Edinburgh, our 200 metre Downhill Run has the Zorbs hurtle and roll at unto 30mph. Visit

Harness Haggis: Two participants are safely harnessed opposite each other before being launched down the Haggis Run. Land and sky merge into one as you feel almost weightless - The thrill is intoxicating and unique.

Hydro Haggis: Two participants, no harnesses and 20 litres of water. Participants are zipped safely inside before being launched down the Haggis Run. Slipping and sliding, feeling immense speed as the Haggis revolves around you - A cross between a waterslide and a rollercoaster. The only water sport on land!! 

Combo Haggis: For those daring individuals, the Combo Haggis has participants first conquer the exhilarating Harness Haggis before speeding down the run in Hydro Haggis.

Born of a vision to make Scotland the adventure capital of the Northern Hemisphere, as New Zealand attends the south. We aim to be Scotland’s premier zorbing attraction by providing a thrilling experience to our customers in a safe and fun environment.

What exactly is zorbing?
Zorbing (globe-riding, sphereing, orbing) is the recreation or sport of rolling downhill inside an zorb, generally made of transparent plastic. Due to the buoyant nature of the zorbs, Zorbing can also be carried out on water, provided the zorb is inflated properly and sealed once the rider is inside. There are two types of zorbs, harnessed and non-harnessed. Non-harness zorbs carry up to three riders, while the harness orbs are constructed for one to two riders.

Added: 2018-03-03
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