Two Years In The Making and Once Again...Two Of The Most Powerful Women In The World Face Off! "Good Vs. Evil-Match #2" WON YouTube Networks/Jimbo-FailExchange Productions in association with MMP Studios Presents: Supergirl VIII: Avenging Force, starring Kaycee Anne as Supergirl & Linda Hines as "EVIL" Superwoman. The plot of this story is that Jac Kent aka Supergirl (Kaycee Anne) is determine to catch “EVIL†Superwoman (Linda Hines) and finally put an end to her reign of destruction once and for all. Especially after the death of her friend Special Agent Melissa Bennett. The only problem is that “EVIL†Superwoman is a step ahead of Supergirl and has some other plans in store for our girl of steel. Plans that tends to keep Supergirl on her toes at all times. It’s a cat and mouse game between the two most powerful females on the planet. Who will have the final say? Will Supergirl be able to stop Superwoman in her track without killing her..or will Superwoman continue her evil path of destruction and accomplish one has been able to accomplish..and that is to kill Supergirl. FIND OUT! All these twists and turns and questions will be answered in this 8th installment of the Supergirl Underwater Peril Fan Film Series! It’s Good Vs. Evil, Round 2 and it’s WON/MMP’s NEXT SUMMER BLOCKBUSTER! “Supergirl VIII: Avenging Force, starring Kaycee Anne as Supergirl & Linda Hines as “EVIL†Superwoman.
Here's just a small sneak peak of what to expect in this 8th installment of the Supergirl Underwater Peril Fan Film Series. Here's Teaser # 3 and the last teaser trailer for the film installment. The Official Trailer for WON/MMP's Supergirl VIII: Avenging Force will be uploaded in early May!
Disclaimer: Supergirl VIII: Avenging Force is in no way affiliated with DC Comics or Warner Bros. VIII: Avenging Force is a not-for-profit fan film and is not intended for sales of any sort. The fan film is property of WON YouTube Networks/Jimbo-FailExchange Productions and MMP Studios.
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