A college girl received an unofficial job offer from a company. She goes to orientation session held by the company for incoming employee from next year. The company has a sanitarium with a pool in the suburbs. Today the orientation is to held here. Various games are carried out to communicate with participants.
The first game is 'passing ball game' in the poolside. If participants lose a ball in the pool, he or she should get into the pool with suit and picks the ball up as a penalty. Moreover the person moves to a bathroom and should bathe or take a shower as a suit, getting wet to the skin. She is driven by an urge that she wants to take a bath with her suit that she wore at the final interview.
She drops a ball on purpose. She is glad to accept the penalty. She gets into the pool, tt is unexpectedly cold in the pool. So she goes to bathroom immediately and takes a warm water shower, soaking in a bath afterwards. Finally, She takes off a jacket and takes a bath, being splashed with water by other person.
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