WON YouTube Presents-Superwoman IX: Lock Up On Time (Fan Film)
W.O.N/Jimbo-FailExchange Inc. Productions in association with MMP Studios Presents: Superwoman IX: Lock Up On Time (Fan Film), Starring Linda Hines as Superwoman and John Lebang as The Time Torturer. This is the ninth installment of our spinoff series. A villain named "The Time Torturer" is seeking revenge on The Woman Of Steel. So much so, that he sends Superwoman back into time. A Different City.....A Different World.....A Different Year....Superwoman Is In New York City In 1980....Will she escape 1980 alive?
Brought to you in High Definition!
Special thanks to MMP studios for filming this custom video project/fan film for me. They are a class act company and are truly professional and so are the actresses in the fan film as well.
For updates/news/screenshots for all fan films installments and future projects, subscribe to the fan Film Series' Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/SupergirlUnderwater or visit our website at WONNewYork.Net
Superwoman IX: Lock Up On Time, Co-Created By Jonathan Rios, George Guzman, Ricardo Reyes and Jackie Gonzalez Written By Jonathan Rios, Ricardo Reyes and Jackie Gonzalez.
Music By BT-84, Scott Buckley, Infraction & Karl Casey of White Bat Audio. Additional Music By: Matthew Huffaker & Tim Beek.
Opening Intro sequence created by Luminatics Animation
Disclaimer: Superwoman IX: Lock Up On Time is in no way affiliated with DC Comics or Warner Bros. Superwoman IX: Lock Up On Time is a not-for-profit fan film and is not intended for sales of any sort. The fan film is property of WON/Jimbo-FailExchange Inc. and MMP Studios.DO NOT REPOST THIS FAN FILM ANYWHERE!!!!!