WON/Jimbo-FailExchange Inc. Productions in association with MMP Studios Presents: "Superwoman X: Chicago's Finestâ€. It stars Linda Hines as Superwoman & Rachel Ledew as The Queen Bee
The Woman Of Steel Returns And Goes Up Against The Queen of All Evil And The Queen Of Insects...THE QUEEN BEE!
Linda Hines stars as The Woman Of Steel and Rachel Ledew as The Queen Bee In WON/MMP's Superwoman X: Chicago's Finest...Premieres Friday, January 7th @ 8pm ET, only on the W.O.N Cinema YouTube Channel
Here's another small sneak peak of what to expect in this 10th installment of the Superwoman Underwater Peril Fan Film Series. Here's Teaser # 2.
Watch this film and all films at WON Cinema's YouTube Channel:
Disclaimer: Superwoman X: Chicago's Finest is in no way affiliated with DC Comics or Warner Bros. Superwoman X: Chicago's Finest is a not-for-profit fan film and is not intended for sales of any sort. The fan film is property of W.O.N/Jimbo-FailExchange Inc. Productions and MMP Studios.
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