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Total Streaming videos 31076
KCEN's Ice Bucket Challenge
Added: 2017-09-07
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Views/Downloads: 1315
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Brandon Bartlett and Jackie Monroe take on the Ice Bucket Challenge for ALS
Added: 2017-09-07
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Luna takes a dip in the pool
Added: 2017-09-07
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Audley Harrison PUSHES GIRL into The Pool
Added: 2017-09-07
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The 40-Year Old Virgin (4/11) Best Movie Quote - Some Fuckin French Toast (2005)
Added: 2017-09-06
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Newly Married Couple Jump Into Rocky Mountain Hot springs Pool in Wedding Clothes
Added: 2017-09-06
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Pool Cleaning
Added: 2017-09-06
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Underwater version : Private lesson for job-hunting 1
Added: 2017-09-05
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Jackie Falla's ALS Challenge
Added: 2017-09-04
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Views/Downloads: 1327
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Amanda Lietza ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
Added: 2017-09-04
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Amanda does the ice bucket challenge for MND
Added: 2017-09-04
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Faith Martin Accepts the Ice Bucket Challenge
Added: 2017-09-04
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Brouha Ice Bucket Challenge - Helen
Added: 2017-09-04
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Amanda Ice bucket challenge.
Added: 2017-09-04
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Views/Downloads: 1322
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AEL's Ice Bucket Challenge: Amanda & Harry
Added: 2017-09-04
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Views/Downloads: 1231
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The Ice Bucket Challenge! / Amanda Goodfried
Added: 2017-09-04
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Views/Downloads: 1337
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