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STILL WATER | Congested Cat Productions
STILL WATER | Congested Cat Productions
STILL WATER | Congested Cat Productions

STILL WATER | Congested Cat Productions

Keywords: ztKfeEzNfcY;
A young girl gets some much needed advice from her mother on how to overcome her fear of the water... or so she thinks. You can see the original version at:
To learn more about the production, please visit:​

Director Statement
"Still Water" is a film that explores how imagination affects us, especially at an age when we're susceptible to everything. I feel like, as a kid, I went through different stages with my imagination. At first, it was the source of fun and creativity. Every toy, every inanimate object had a story. There's a feeling of invincibility that comes with running away with your imagination, but in time, that same source of joy can become a stifling sense of fear. That's the grey area in which I wanted to explore. How your imagination can be your best friend and your worst enemy.
The other underlying theme in the film is the horrors of parenting, and the line you dance around between smothering and giving your child too much freedom. We all hear stories of how someone turned their head for just a moment to find their child missing. I'm not a parent myself, but I'm sure any adult can empathize with such an innate fear.
-Ryan Kramer

Added: 2021-03-18
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