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Italian movie  

Keywords: catfight; pool;
Two ladies in lingerie, stockings & pantyhose are fighting in a pool. Party members in evening gowns also join them.

Moderators note (MK): I have this scene on several old VHS tapes from the 1980's, but I do not know the title. As I recall it is from an Italian or German film from the late 70's. This scene is somewhat a copy of the classic 1968 Peter Sellers film "The Party". If anybody knows the correct title of this film, let us know.

:::::::::: click to drag around :::::::::::

Italian movie
Video ID: # 11299
Clip format: MPG
Time: 1'28"
Resolution: 480x276
Added: 2010-05-22 (Movies)
Views/Downloads: 130
Comments: 3
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Italian movie
Italian movie
Italian movie
Italian movie
Italian movie
Italian movie
Italian movie
Italian movie
Italian movie
Italian movie
Italian movie
Italian movie
Italian movie
Italian movie
Italian movie
Italian movie
Italian movie
Italian movie
Italian movie
Italian movie
Italian movie
Comments posted to this Video
Don't know the title of the movie just now but the topless blonde is Barbara Bouchet. She loses her clothes a few times by catching them in elevator doors and that sort of thing
by edwrd at 22nd May, 2010
"Spaghetti a mezzanotte" 1981
by edwrd at 24th May, 2010
Real Star Trek fans will recognize Barbara as one of Kirk's attempted conquests - he doesn't get this girl, but he makes a good try.
by AnthonyX at 25th June, 2010

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