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Party Favors  

Keywords: piefight; nudity; party;
At their wedding anniversary a fat wife hires a stripping catering company as a gift for her husband.
However she gets angry at him for enjoying, they hit each other with pies and a full scale pie fight breaks out. The manager attempts to get the stripper out by grabbing the dress of another girl, leaving her naked except for her leopard thong until she gets a few pies on her.
He succeeds in covering up the topless babe but as they are crawling away they both get hit.
Later in the fight one girl attempts to punch the films villain but accidentally hits a large African man who responds by dropping her face first into a pie and then throwing the woman across the food table into a nearby waiting pool with a guy who just wanted a rubber ducky.
I think most of us would prefer the wet and messy female.

:::::::::: click to drag around :::::::::::

Party Favors
Video ID: # 12169
Clip format: WMV
Time: 1'12"
Resolution: 640x480
Added: 2011-03-18 (Movies)
Views/Downloads: 95
Comments: 4
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Party Favors
Party Favors
Party Favors
Party Favors
Party Favors
Party Favors
Party Favors
Party Favors
Party Favors
Party Favors
Party Favors
Party Favors
Party Favors
Party Favors
Party Favors
Party Favors
Party Favors
Party Favors
Party Favors
Party Favors
Party Favors
Party Favors
Party Favors
Party Favors
Comments posted to this Video
what film is this from??
by Mura27 at 19th March, 2011
This appears to be the "Party Favors" movie from 1987.
by waterspaniel at 19th March, 2011
The reason I did not put the year in was because there has only been one movie released under that name so I thought that it would not be hard to find if somebody tried looking for it. Also since none of the girls are well known I did not see any reason to put there names there. Finally I do not see any problems with the brightness and I do not know how to make it brighter.
by raf at 21st March, 2011

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