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Cadbury's Picnic commercial, Little House on the Prairie, The Harry Enfield Show  

1) A lady is gunged with chocolate very nicely in this 1998 UK ad from "Cadbury's Picnic" chocolate bars, 2)Mother Olsen gets pied and another girl at a circus gets soaked in a 1979 episode of "Little House on the Prairie", 3) A girl gets pie'd on a UK show, 4) A lady has a bowl of messy food poured over her head in a 1989 episode of the UK tv series "The Harry Enfield Show".

:::::::::: click to drag around :::::::::::

Cadbury's Picnic commercial,  Little House on the Prairie, The Harry Enfield Show
Video ID: # 1239
Clip format: WMV
Time: 2'29"
Resolution: 320x240
Added: 2006-10-14 (TV Shows)
Views/Downloads: 89
Comments: 0
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Cadbury's Picnic commercial,  Little House on the Prairie, The Harry Enfield Show
Cadbury's Picnic commercial,  Little House on the Prairie, The Harry Enfield Show
Cadbury's Picnic commercial,  Little House on the Prairie, The Harry Enfield Show
Cadbury's Picnic commercial,  Little House on the Prairie, The Harry Enfield Show
Cadbury's Picnic commercial,  Little House on the Prairie, The Harry Enfield Show
Cadbury's Picnic commercial,  Little House on the Prairie, The Harry Enfield Show
Cadbury's Picnic commercial,  Little House on the Prairie, The Harry Enfield Show
Cadbury's Picnic commercial,  Little House on the Prairie, The Harry Enfield Show
Cadbury's Picnic commercial,  Little House on the Prairie, The Harry Enfield Show
Cadbury's Picnic commercial,  Little House on the Prairie, The Harry Enfield Show
Cadbury's Picnic commercial,  Little House on the Prairie, The Harry Enfield Show
Cadbury's Picnic commercial,  Little House on the Prairie, The Harry Enfield Show
Cadbury's Picnic commercial,  Little House on the Prairie, The Harry Enfield Show
Cadbury's Picnic commercial,  Little House on the Prairie, The Harry Enfield Show
Cadbury's Picnic commercial,  Little House on the Prairie, The Harry Enfield Show
Cadbury's Picnic commercial,  Little House on the Prairie, The Harry Enfield Show
Cadbury's Picnic commercial,  Little House on the Prairie, The Harry Enfield Show
Cadbury's Picnic commercial,  Little House on the Prairie, The Harry Enfield Show
Cadbury's Picnic commercial,  Little House on the Prairie, The Harry Enfield Show
Cadbury's Picnic commercial,  Little House on the Prairie, The Harry Enfield Show
Cadbury's Picnic commercial,  Little House on the Prairie, The Harry Enfield Show
Cadbury's Picnic commercial,  Little House on the Prairie, The Harry Enfield Show
Cadbury's Picnic commercial,  Little House on the Prairie, The Harry Enfield Show
Cadbury's Picnic commercial,  Little House on the Prairie, The Harry Enfield Show
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