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Pinoy Henyo (2 scenes)  

Keywords: wet; dunktank;
2 more girls in the dunk tank.

:::::::::: click to drag around :::::::::::

Pinoy Henyo (2 scenes)
Video ID: # 1534
Clip format: WMV
Time: 2'46"
Resolution: 640x480
Added: 2006-10-19 (TV Shows)
Views/Downloads: 122
Comments: 4
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Pinoy Henyo (2 scenes)
Pinoy Henyo (2 scenes)
Pinoy Henyo (2 scenes)
Pinoy Henyo (2 scenes)
Pinoy Henyo (2 scenes)
Pinoy Henyo (2 scenes)
Pinoy Henyo (2 scenes)
Pinoy Henyo (2 scenes)
Pinoy Henyo (2 scenes)
Pinoy Henyo (2 scenes)
Pinoy Henyo (2 scenes)
Pinoy Henyo (2 scenes)
Pinoy Henyo (2 scenes)
Pinoy Henyo (2 scenes)
Pinoy Henyo (2 scenes)
Pinoy Henyo (2 scenes)
Pinoy Henyo (2 scenes)
Pinoy Henyo (2 scenes)
Pinoy Henyo (2 scenes)
Pinoy Henyo (2 scenes)
Comments posted to this Video
Nice videos....but the name of the show is "Eat Bulaga" not "Pinoy Henyo". See the 5 clips from this show I already uploaded last week. Just type "Eat Bulaga" into the seatch engine and you can find them. I receive this tv channel in the USA..and you appear to be receiving this from a UK satellite..and they place a diferent tv logo on your clips...cos it does not say "Pinoy Central" on these shows when they show this on the American satellite broadcasts.

FYI I taped about 30 of these scenes so far...but I stopped saving all the ones where the girls wear the shower caps...cos thats no good. I did a survey on the dunk tank forum and all the dunk tank fans replied to me to say that the hair being wet is the most important thing, so if the girl covers her hair and wears a shower cap the scene is no good for dunk tank fans. So I only save those scenes without the shower caps now.

by ito at 19th October, 2006
The dunk tank scenes are good - for me the clothes getting soaked is the best bit - the hair is a bonus. I checked your scenes, I notice you don't have the graphics, hope you get some more up soon, I love these gameshow clips.
by gungedgood at 19th October, 2006
I will try to save and upload more...I have lots more of them already saved for the past 2 months of shows....but I have not uploaded them cos I see you are uploading them now and I do not wish to duplicate with you. That show is on every day and repeated 3 times each day on the GMA Filipno channel in the USA.

The irony is...if you surf the net for the official "Eat Bulaga" website, you will read that this show has been playing for 25 years...and is the longest running show in Asia. We have only been seeing it via satellite for the past few there have probably been thousands of dunkings on that show in the past 25 years.

BTW...I also have clips from Taiwan TV too...because in Taiwan they used to have a show called "Happy Sunday"...where they use the exact same dunk tank device too...and they also use that same machine on some Hong Kong shows too. I have never seen that device in the USA...only in Asia. In the USA they only have the traditional dunk tank or "Royal Flush" machines. Personally I prefer the old way they used to do dunkings in fairgrounds in the USA and Europe in the 1960's and 70s...i.e. the old "knock the lady out of bed" device. You can see this in the Kim Novak 1962 movie "Jeanne Eagels"...where the girl lays on a bed,,,and then gets knocked into the pool from a bed. I have not seen one of those devices since I went to the Tivoli Gardens amusement part in Denmark in 1985. In the UK...they mostly have "dunking stool" Renaissance Fairs.
by ito at 20th October, 2006
25 years!!! Damn. That would be alot of dunkings. I'd love to see the Taiwan clips and any others you have.
The only time I have seen the 'bed dunker' was once on You Bet - the uk gameshow from years ago.
by gungedgood at 20th October, 2006

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