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Mooi Weer De Leeuw 2007-10-06  

Keywords: boots; jeans; wet; messy; wam; food; gunge; tv; show;
Girls in jeans and boots are getting wet and messy in a Dutch TV show.

:::::::::: click to drag around :::::::::::

Mooi Weer De Leeuw 2007-10-06
Video ID: # 6952
Clip format: AVI
Time: 8'02"
Resolution: 704x432
Added: 2007-10-28 (TV Shows)
Views/Downloads: 361
Comments: 5
Play video caps or click/move your mouse cursor over them to expand.
Mooi Weer De Leeuw 2007-10-06
Mooi Weer De Leeuw 2007-10-06
Mooi Weer De Leeuw 2007-10-06
Mooi Weer De Leeuw 2007-10-06
Mooi Weer De Leeuw 2007-10-06
Mooi Weer De Leeuw 2007-10-06
Mooi Weer De Leeuw 2007-10-06
Mooi Weer De Leeuw 2007-10-06
Mooi Weer De Leeuw 2007-10-06
Mooi Weer De Leeuw 2007-10-06
Mooi Weer De Leeuw 2007-10-06
Mooi Weer De Leeuw 2007-10-06
Mooi Weer De Leeuw 2007-10-06
Mooi Weer De Leeuw 2007-10-06
Mooi Weer De Leeuw 2007-10-06
Mooi Weer De Leeuw 2007-10-06
Mooi Weer De Leeuw 2007-10-06
Mooi Weer De Leeuw 2007-10-06
Mooi Weer De Leeuw 2007-10-06
Mooi Weer De Leeuw 2007-10-06
Mooi Weer De Leeuw 2007-10-06
Mooi Weer De Leeuw 2007-10-06
Comments posted to this Video
Great clip.
Could you explain the context behind the gunging ?
by zouzou42 at 28th October, 2007
I can't understand dutch, but someone told me: The girls watched a show as kids where people have to answer question and when they gave the wrong answer, they got gunged. The two girls would to the same in this show, but the presenter had a better idea to gunge the girls during the whole show, without asking questions. The show was about 2 houres long and the most time they sat in the tanks while the 'normal' show continues.

You can see the first part of the show here:

and the second part here:
by cornholio at 28th October, 2007
After downloading a codec I have perfect image but NO sound in wmplayer .. what codecs or players do you guys use ?

by guy5927 at 05th November, 2007
Hi Guy5927, you may try the VLC Player found here: that should play almost any kind of media.
by julius at 05th November, 2007
roger that, julius ... works great ... thanks !
by guy5927 at 05th November, 2007

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