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Distraction - pool dunking game  

Keywords: wetlook; jeans; pool; game;
From the new season of "Distraction" in Italy, on MediaSet channel (again). This appears to be the MOST "copied" pool dunking game in 2007 - cos this same game is now airing in many different countries, in different shows. Just to give you all a recap of where you can see this "fit inside the crazy shapes or get dunked in the pool" game, here is a summary of countries airing this game. This was originally invented in Japan (where else, naturally) and is still airing on Japanese tv. It was then exported to Taiwan, where it can be seen each weekend on "The Jacky Show". It is also playing on a Hong Kong gameshow too, and also in the Philippines on their monday night show called "NUTS". In Europe, they are now playing this pool game on a Russian show called "Stenka Na Stenku" (airing each weekend) and now this game is playing as part of the DISTRACTION gameshow in Italy. Moreover, this same game is also now appearing in Spain on their gameshow "Nadia es Perfecto".

From what I have seen, the best versions (for clothing) are the shows in Italy and Taiwan. The Spanish show "Nadia es Perfecto" has an added wetlook element that is even better, where they have a shower game next to the pool too (you can find a nice video of a girl in a black dress and tights showering on the Spanish version on Youtube).

This Italian version has only just started, so hopefully those of you who get Mediaset Channel from Italy will tape more of these in the coming weeks, and perhaps somebody from Spain will capture their pool games and added showering game.

:::::::::: click to drag around :::::::::::

Distraction - pool dunking game
Video ID: # 6954
Clip format: WMV
Time: 1'56"
Resolution: 640x480
Added: 2007-10-27 (TV Shows)
Views/Downloads: 369
Comments: 1

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Distraction - pool dunking game
Distraction - pool dunking game
Distraction - pool dunking game
Distraction - pool dunking game
Distraction - pool dunking game
Distraction - pool dunking game
Distraction - pool dunking game
Distraction - pool dunking game
Distraction - pool dunking game
Distraction - pool dunking game
Distraction - pool dunking game
Distraction - pool dunking game
Distraction - pool dunking game
Distraction - pool dunking game
Distraction - pool dunking game
Distraction - pool dunking game
Distraction - pool dunking game
Distraction - pool dunking game
Distraction - pool dunking game
Distraction - pool dunking game
Comments posted to this Video
Very nice! I notice she's messy already so there was obviously an earlier game, anyone got that clip? thanks
by smeeg at 28th October, 2007

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