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Dido And Aeneas  

Keywords: wetlook; wet; dress; pool; underwater;
This version of Dido and Aeneas by Sasha Waltz had its world premiere in 2005 at Berlin's Staatsoper Unter Den Linden. The opening scene of "Dido & Aeneas" takes place around a pre-fabricated swimming pool which is less impressive than the publicity suggests, although to fill it with water deep enough for the dancers to swim in and then drain it without flooding the stage must have taken some sophisticated engineering. It looks like a long narrow aquarium -- entirely transparent, so that the audience can fully view the swimming dancers -- takes up most of the width of the stage and is attached to a huge black metal framework. This structure is set on wheels and therefore conveniently mobile. The dancers climb up ladders at either end of the 'fish tank' and plunge in leisurely, as if at some luxurious spa. Once immersed in the water, which is lit from below, the dancers bring the pool to life, as they dart around like sea nymphs, flimsily clad in colourful transparent materials; the visual effect is like a detail from a Boticelli painting. While the other dancers are enjoying the water, the narrator, Charlotte Engelkes, recites the text by Nahum Tate (a reworking of the fourth chant of "Aeneis" by Vergil).

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Dido And Aeneas
Video ID: # 7632
Clip format: WMV
Time: 12'43"
Resolution: 360x288
Added: 2008-02-20 (TV Shows)
Views/Downloads: 11
Comments: 0
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Dido And Aeneas
Dido And Aeneas
Dido And Aeneas
Dido And Aeneas
Dido And Aeneas
Dido And Aeneas
Dido And Aeneas
Dido And Aeneas
Dido And Aeneas
Dido And Aeneas
Dido And Aeneas
Dido And Aeneas
Dido And Aeneas
Dido And Aeneas
Dido And Aeneas
Dido And Aeneas
Dido And Aeneas
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