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Krista Richards ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
Krista Richards ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
Krista Richards ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Krista Richards ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Keywords: Nonprofit;
Raising awareness for ALS - Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS, commonly known as Lou Gehrig's disease, is a disease of the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord that control voluntary muscle movement.

I was nominated by Aaron Dressin for this Ice-Bucket challenge.

I nominate: Emilie Rose McMahon, Nathan Boolean Trujillo, and Cheryl Westbrook. You have 24 hours to complete the challenge - (or donate to help find a cure).

The "Ice-Bucket Challenge" raises awareness & encourages donation of funds for the research of a cure for this disease. The idea is you either accept the challenge or donate. Many who accept the challenge donate anyway.

There are many organizations that are researching for a cure and/or supporting those that currently battle with this debilitating disease. Google it.

Please do what you can and spread the word!

Join the ice-bucket challenge!

Or create your own challenge for this or any other number of worthy causes.

Making a difference in the world even in small ways is a beautiful thing.

YOU are amazing!

Keep spreading LOVE!

Krista Richards

Added: 2014-08-18
From: Krista Richards
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Views/Downloads: 2421
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