Meditative Calm at the Ton Nga Chang Water Fall & Temple - Lisa Gerrard -720p HD
An atmospheric rendition of a trip to Southern Thailand's Ton Nga Chang Water Fall & Temple nr Hat Yai , Thailand. The music is the last portion of Lisa Gerrard's atmospheric chanting. The half built Thai Buddhist temple has been in the making for nearly 40 years and the Abbott is performing a Lotus Flower immersive water ceremony.
There are also some nuns and homeless mother with her daughter and an old man living in the temple.
We were struck by the tranquil, spiritual feel to the place and the temple was the least agressive in fund raising of any temple I have ever been to. The Abbot appears old and has made this temple almost single handely for all his life. He knows the local people are poor so is very relaxed in getting money and very uninterested in worldy things.
We all want to go back and share the special feeling that the place has - the river that runs by it has the water coming from the Ton Nga Chang Water Fall I shall sleep in this temple and meditate before I die and swim once more in the waters.
"What we think we become". Buddha