Thought to be Selected Originals from late 1940s material.
Weekiwacke Springs, Florida, United States of America (USA). American voiceovered newsreel material.
Long shot of the swimmers swimming to tables and sitting down. Close up shot of carver trying sharpness of knife on hair. Close up shot of hands with knife carving chicken and handing leg to girl. Close up shot of girl eating leg. Long shot, man pouring out coffee. Close up shot of girl eating banana and drinking coffee. Long shot of men smoking pipes. Close up shot of man smoking pipe. Long shot of divers swimming away from table. Close up shot of table with fishes eating remnants of Thanksgiving meal.
All action takes place under water.
There is a confusion about location of this item. Film title reads Australia while the paperwork states that location is Florida.
Possibly connected with 48/104 - MD.
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