United States America (USA).
Two women in identical dresses (Millie & Tillie) being sprayed with aqua-proof spray. Millie and Tillie being sprayed with garden hose. Nozzle of spray splashing backside of one of the women. Millie and Tillie standing after 'shower' - Tillie is wet, Millie stays dry thanks to aqua-proof. Close up shot of one of Tillie brushing hair with hands, tilt to waist showing wet dress. Tillie and Millie showing dresses - one wet and the other dry.
Close up shot of a man spraying aqua-proof on shoes. Close up shot of feet stepping into pan of water - feet stay dry, claims voiceover.
Close up shot of a man drinking glass of beer - he pours beer down tie and suit - stays dry.
FILM ID:1432.14
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