A Japanese college girl, Eriko is doing job-hunting, taking a course in which she should get practical teacher training, called practice teaching to get a teacher's license of junior high school. Now she is at a school that is in a quiet countryside. She always wears black recruitment suit during teaching practice.
One day she knows that this school has held a fully clothed swimming program for several years. The reason is to protect students and teachers from a drowning accident. But this year, to prevent them from coming together in the pool, they must do fully clothed bathing and should submit the report about that!
On the fully clothe bathing, students have to wear their school uniform and teachers have to wear clothes which they often wear at school or during classes. Eriko goes to a place with her friend, there is outdoor tub here. She takes bath with her suit on gradually. When she takes her jacket off,feeling good, being relaxed! She feels that doing this is able to get rid of stress, too!
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