When a Japanese model experienced first bathing with her recruitment suit, she changes into another recruitment suit for first messy with the suit! The model will clarify how to get dirty the suit in the main part, The material is something that can make her black recruitment suit white, being typically Japanese thing. Anyway she makes her suit white with the material that isn't white mud, white ingredient, white paint and so on. I found the material on a journey in the past, thinking I found the material on a journey in the past, thinking that it might be a good material to get dirty a black recruitment suit. But I forgot to use it for a while.... This is the first time I introduced the good material on my shooting.
The model uses the material, getting dirty her suit. Gradually the suit is turning white from black. The contrast looks very excellent for lovers of clothing messy! After getting messy, she takes a shower and washes her suit. In the end, she takes a bath and she feels relaxed.
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